Youth sports organizations (YSO) provide valuable services, they provide a safe and protected environment for kids to learn sports with fun. It also helps in building physical fitness in a supervised and systematic way. Youth can be a disappointing experience if no research is carried out before signing up to play. As a parent, it is pivotal to give time and attention before choosing the appropriate YSO. It requires time to research; interview the coaches before signing up their child for a team.
Coaches are not qualified simply because they love sports:
Numerous coaches are volunteers; they may or may not know how to teach children. The YSO training session consists of teaching volunteer coaches about logistics like how to draft score sheets and what to do in case games are rained out. You hold assigned coaches who have no knowledge to lead and teach children.
YSO is managed and runs locally with different philosophies:
Just because they are affiliated with reputable and authorized organizations doesn’t mean they are dictated about how to run or organize. Local management themselves set the tone and culture for the program. It greatly influences the attitudes and emphasis of its coaches and teams. It is imperative to enquire from coaches and teams before entrusting their children.
Listed below is a checklist of questions to determine if YSO and its coaches share their philosophy and values. Communication and interaction between coaches and parents are inevitable for fruitful results. Being proactive is the key to evaluating a coach and increasing the likelihood that your child will have a great session.
Questions for YSO directors:
- Does the YSO have a mission statement and what it states? It should be focused upon providing a healthy and friendly atmosphere to kids that encourages coaches and kids to have fun and enjoy.
- Are the coaches selected and what’s the training they got? Check in their background, their work experience, and what training they got relating to sports. Are they also taught about the ways of coaching and working with kids for child skills development.
- What programs are in place to minimize the risk of injury, bruises, or any unforeseen circumstances?
- How will they resolve the conflicts between parents, players, and parents if a disagreement arises at any stage of time? Do you arrange any follow-ups to ensure the conflict is satisfactorily resolved?
- Programs believe in feedback from parents and what measures or steps they take to make the ends meet.
Questions for the coaches:
- As a coach, what he has done before, what he would say if the parents asked him about the coaching style.
- How to access coaches outside the practice to talk about any reservations. The coach should be willing to extend its support by giving a phone number or email ID.
- What are his goals for the young players for the season? Listen carefully as the goals of coaches must be in line with your child’s goal.
- Is he respectful and courteous enough towards the parents and the players? Is he having an encouraging attitude towards kids and how much he appears prepared in the practice session?
The bottom-line:
Youth sports is all about building up the kids and instilling leadership qualities among them. Moreover, they must be encouraging a sense of love for physical activity that will follow children throughout their lifetime. If these questions are asked in advance, parents can easily pick the best suitable program which best suits their child’s specifications, needs, and values. It will make this challenging task a whole lot easier and simpler. Ultimately, it helps him survive the intense competition and thrives through the challenges of youth sports.