Providing a safe & fair playing field for youth athletes.
All players participating in Ripken events MUST be NSID age verified.
What is NSID player age verification?
At Ripken Baseball we take player safety very seriously and always want to make sure our youth athletes are playing on a fair playing field. That is why we partnered with National Sports ID to verify the age and grade of all Ripken participants to assure our youth athletes are playing in the age-appropriate division.
National Sports ID is a youth sports age & grade verification service that takes the hassle out of checking athletes documents so you don’t have to carry them to events. Please get your child a verified sports ID to assure participation at all Ripken events. READ ARTICLE – Ripken Baseball signs partnership with NSID to advance player safety
What do you need to get your child or team NSID verified?
- A mobile, laptop, or desktop device.
- A parent and child account on NSID.
- Clear headshot photo of the athlete.
- Athlete’s Birth Certificate, Passport, or State Id.
- Athlete’s report card, school id, or screenshot of school account.
- Online payment in the amount of $7.99 per child.